Category: ☕️ Lifestyle
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📷 Day 3 - Precious
I guess Sam is kind of precious. I ran out of time today so this will have to do for today’s photo challenge. 🐈

I was reading Amazon reviews of a book I was considering and noticed a couple of 1-star reviews and neither had anything to do with the content of the book or quality of the writing. One was regarding the shipping and the other was regarding a tear on the dust jacket. Even if I give the benefit of the doubt here and acknowledge a need to provide review feedback on such things, it would be nice to filter the review content to try and segregate substantive reviews of the content of the book from other reviews regarding shipping, service, or quality of the packaging. 🤷🏻
A lot of people have pointed out that a lack of a required personal finance curriculum is one of the biggest gaps in our public education system but, based on my recent interactions with some teens, it’s also clear they could benefit from learning how to use a calendar to manage their time.
Due to a fraudulent charge, I had to cancel the credit card I use for all my recurring monthly expenses. I’ve received my new card and am now updating my autopay settings for each vendor. A relatively minor inconvenience for sure but I wish there was an easier (batch or automated) way to do this.
According to Adam Grant:
“Seeing leisure time as wasteful is bad for well-being.
New data: people who see play as unproductive enjoy it less—and are more likely to be anxious, depressed, and stressed.
Even if you don’t see fun as productive, it’s worth remembering there’s more to life than productivity.”
As I exit the weekend and begin my Monday feeling less than refreshed, I realize I need to work on accepting and enjoying leisure time. Perhaps, even intentionally schedule leisure time? Something to consider.