It’s interesting how the scope expands so easily. Yesterday, I started thinking about getting a bike and budgeting for that and now I am thinking I also need to get a trailer hitch installed on my car to accommodate the new bike rack that I’ll also need to purchase. 💸

Embracing a new adventure! 🚴‍♀️ My bum knee and aching joints have convinced me that running doesn’t enjoy me. So, I’ve swapped my sneakers for a stationary bike. But I miss the fresh air! I’m considering investing in a bike—maybe a gravel bike? 🤔 Any seasoned cyclists out there? I’m all ears!

I was just reading through an old book on my shelf and noticed I had to keep fussing with part of the dust jacket that was torn. I’m wondering what others do with torn dust jackets. Should I try to mend it with tape or just discard it altogether?

My daughter is planning for me to watch the Oscars with her tonight so I thought about watching another one of the movies that is up for Best Picture but don’t really feel like investing 3 hours into a film right now. I feel like I need to be more “productive” in the meantime.

Today is my first day back at work after taking time off during the holidays. I definitely enjoyed my time off but it is difficult to jump right back into things at work. There’s always a tax to pay after being away for a bit. I’m determined to take smaller, more frequent breaks from work this year.

Although I still have the remnants of a cough, today is the first day in over a month that I actually feel pretty decent and like I have enough energy to do what I need/want to do. I’m really hoping this is the start of a positive health trend.

When my iPhone 12 Pro died the other day, my kids thought it was obvious that I would just get a new iPhone 15 as a replacement. While I still might do that, in the meantime I decided to put my old iPhone 6s back in the rotation. It’s taken me a while to get used to the home button again.

I was not planning on upgrading my device but my iPhone 12 Pro (which I’ve had for 3 years now) decided to die for no reason. It was working fine and then I set it on my charger and I returned to the black screen of death. Tried the usual fixes and tried to run diagnostics but it’s dead dead.

I’ve been sick for 3-4 weeks now and just can’t shake it. My cough and other symptoms seem to have improved a bit today but I just feel absolutely exhausted. Really looking forward to feeling “normal” again.

I just got caught in the most ridiculous automated phone tree vortex and can’t remember the last time I felt such rage. In addition to customer service support perhaps these automated platforms can explore opportunities in the cardiology market to administer stress tests.