Category: 🌱 Personal Development
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Learning something new in 2025
New Year’s Day was mostly a quiet, lazy one for me—nothing special, just some time to relax. But I did manage to do something that feels a little bit monumental: I signed up for a Drawing for Beginners class at the local college. It’s one of their Continuing & Community Education classes, which means it’s low-stakes and open to anyone who just wants to learn something new.
Now, here’s the thing: this is not something I would have done for myself in the past. For most of my life, I’ve been the guy behind the scenes—the husband, the dad, the one who holds down the fort while everyone else chases their dreams and explores their interests. And I’ve been happy to play that role, truly. But lately, I’ve started to wonder what it would be like to do something just for me. It’s taken a while to shake the idea that doing so would be “selfish,” but this class feels like a small step in that direction.
I’ve always wanted to learn how to draw. Not because I have some grand plan to be the next Picasso—trust me, I don’t. It’s just something I’ve always thought would be fun to do. That said, I’m horrendous at it right now. Any game that involves drawing—Pictionary, Telestrations—has me practically breaking out in a sweat. My stick figures look like they’re having a bad day. But I’m not signing up to become amazing; I’m signing up to give myself permission to be a beginner.
At first, I thought about teaching myself at home. A sketchpad, some pencils, and YouTube tutorials—it would’ve been cheaper and easier to fit into my schedule. But then I realized the bigger appeal of an in-person class: it gets me out of the house. For someone who works from home, exercises in a garage gym, and generally spends a lot of time in his own bubble, the idea of walking into a classroom full of strangers felt oddly… exciting. And maybe a little intimidating, too.
The class starts in a couple of weeks, but I’m already equipped with everything I need, thanks to my oldest daughter. When she asked me what I wanted for Christmas, I saw an opportunity. I sent her a list of the required class supplies—a sketchpad, graphite and charcoal pencils, erasers, and a sharpener. On Christmas morning, I unwrapped the whole set, and there it was: my not-so-subtle push to stop procrastinating, get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and sign up for the class.
Those supplies sat on my desk for a week, almost daring me to take the next step. Yesterday, I finally did it. I logged onto the college’s website, created an account, and hit “register.” It felt like crossing some invisible line—one where I could say, “Yeah, this is for me.”
So here I am, about to try something new at 54 years of age, and I’m equal parts nervous and excited. I don’t know if I’ll be any good at drawing, and honestly, I don’t care. What matters to me is that I’m doing something I’ve always wanted to do, and I’m doing it for no other reason than it makes me happy. That feels pretty good.
Paul Graham has previously shared his thoughts on writing and the relationship between writing and thinking but his recent post shares his concerns about AI leading us into an age of the “writes and write-nots”. đź“ť
Over the past year, I’ve heard more and more about Capacities as the tool of choice to manage life/work. I’ve been off the PKM train for a while, just dumping things into Apple Notes. But given the buzz, I might take a peek. If you’ve used it and have feedback, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Attending the INDUSTRY Virtual: The Product Conference Fall 2024 today. 📆🤝
Clear, Concise, and Succinct: Lessons from Churchill and Ogilvy
A couple of years ago, I received feedback from senior leadership that I could improve by being more concise in my presentations and communication with senior executives. Since then, this has been a focus in my personal and professional development.
Over the past week, I came across two distinct pieces of writing—one by Winston Churchill on the value of brevity in communication, and the other by David Ogilvy offering practical tips on writing effectively. Despite being written for different contexts, both emphasize the power of clear, concise communication.

Churchill and Ogilvy reinforce the idea that effective writing is not just about what is said, but how efficiently and clearly it is communicated. Brevity is a strategic tool, especially for leaders, where time is scarce and clarity drives decisions and actions.
Brevity and being succinct are skills I’m still working on, and like any skill, they only improve with ongoing practice and thoughtful feedback. That’s also one of the reasons I’m slowly establishing a more regular habit of writing and blogging—to sharpen my communication and continue improving over time.
Just learned about My Mind today. Have you tried this? If so, care to share feedback on your experience? Looks like a pretty compelling product.
Does anyone else feel annoyed when invitees to your meeting end up forwarding the invite to others without checking in with you first? Or, is it just me? Maybe it’s just a Monday morning feeling. I guess I need to do a better job of setting the attendee options so that forwarding is not allowed.
Ten Minutes to Acknowledge our Humanity

I had a team meeting earlier today that started off with ten of the most interesting minutes I've experienced in a while. Depending on your perspective, the ten minutes could have been perceived as "wasted" or "unproductive" time since it wasn't necessarily "on topic" or on our meeting agenda. However, I believe they were ten of the most important minutes of my day. And it all happened because, in a time and place that was reserved to discuss work, someone decided to ask a personal question and check in on one of our team members.
This past Friday, one of our team members had to leave a meeting early to tend to a family emergency that cropped up. So today, before diving into our meeting agenda, we checked in with our team member and asked how everthing turned out and whether their family member was doing ok. This led to a round robin of sharing with every other meeting attendee sharing (voluntarily and unsolicited, I might add) about the difficult and challenging things going on in their life. The context had been set for the team to align around our common human condition; the reality that the line between "work" and "personal" time is blurry at best and the reality that we all have things going on outside of our work that weigh on us and impact our energy, our focus, and our (emotional, mental, and physical) health. Most importantly, it allowed us to align around the reality that although our work is important, in the grand scheme of things it's not that important.
Although this was a very organic and authentic moments shared between peers, it made me think that I need to be more intentional to create the time and space for that type of connection between team members. Especially in this new virtual and remote working environment in which we all find ourselves. Not only is it good for us to remind each other that we're all human but it also provide the opportunity to foster empathy for one another and to encourage one another. It was interesting; after sharing that time together, there was a discernible difference in how team members communicated and engaged with one another. There seemed to be an extra dose of compassion and patience weaved into every interaction throughout the rest of the day.
I know for some, this "kumbaya" moment would not be a welcome addition to their team meetings but for our team, in that particular moment, it was a very fruitful investment of time.
The Importance of Having a Focal Point
As the father of three children in their mid- to late-teens, some of whom may or may not struggle with ADHD, the subject of "focus" comes up a lot around our house. To be fair, while I describe it as a subject of conversation, my kids probably feel like it's simply one of the many "lectures" they have to listen to on a relatively regular basis.
This morning while scrolling through Twitter, I stumbled upon the following tweet:

My instant reaction after reading that tweet was to agree wholeheartedly. It is a statement that rings true to me. But, I also realize for many, it might not be helpful without some additional context or practical instruction. For example, if I was to tell my kids they just need more focus, even if they agreed with that statement, what could they do with that information? Would they know how to increase their focus or what next step to take to increase their focus? Could they automatically will themselves to focus more? And, even if they could, would that be helpful?
Quite frankly, I think that just like you don't need more time, perhaps you don't need more focus either. Is increasing your focus on the wrong thing(s) any more helpful? Before worrying about increasing your focus, the more important thing to do is to establish a focal point.
While not discounting the importance of focus, I believe that what we focus on is more important and foundational to being effective and successful than our ability to focus. Having some criteria and a defined process for establishing our central point of attention or interest (a focal point) is a prerequisite to focusing. So, before worrying about focusing more, we should first ensure we have clarified where or on what to focus.
It's similar to how Christians talk about their faith in Jesus. Most believe it's not the amount of their faith that matters as much as it is the object of their faith. Perhaps a similar perspective on focus is appropriate. It's not the amount of focus we have but what we choose to focus on that is most important.
I realize that perhaps Parrish's tweet inferred this idea (of knowing where to focus and ensuring it's the right thing on which to focus), but in a world that communicates in bite-size snippets of information and thought, I'm simply thinking through the additional layers I would want to expose and discuss with my kids on this topic if they had seen the tweet.
All that said, Parrish's tweet hits home for me as it reinforces something I'm constantly telling my kids when they give the excuse, "I didn't have time." My common refrain is, "No. You didn't make time. You had plenty of time. You just chose to focus that time on the wrong things.".
So, yes, more time isn't what we need. We need to focus more. But let's ensure we're focused on the "right" things. Now is as good a time as any to figure out what our "right" things are.
Design the Life You Want

As someone who has spent the majority of my career in product, I'm familiar with the concept and process of "design thinking". In fact, a former colleague who attended the Stanford was kind enough to share much of what she learned there with me and a few others through a series of design thinking workshops about a half-dozen years ago. So, when I stumbled upon the following Tedx Talk by Bill Burnett, I knew it would be well worth the 25-minute investment.
Bill is one of the founders of the Life Design Lab a Stanford and the author of, Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life.
In this talk titled, "5 steps to designing the life you want", Bill discusses how design thinking principles can be applied to help you design your life.
Even if you decide to not invest the time and energy in following the five steps and even if you don't intentionally apply design thinking principles to your life, I believe there is value in adopting the simple encouragement offered at the close of the video.
- Get Curious
- Talk to People
- Try Stuff
I don't know about you but I would do well to use those three bullet points as standing "to-dos" on my daily calendar.