I’ve been going since 4:00 a.m. this morning and I’m hitting an afternoon wall. 🥱 I’m hoping a coffee and perhaps a brisk walk will allow me to rally and have a strong finish to my day.

I checked in with a coworker who was out on Friday because he wasn’t feeling well. I learned that one of the contributing factors was that he felt “peopled out”. I’m glad he acknowledged that and gave himself the time off. It also reminded me of this:

Snoopy and Charlie Brown staying in bed

Our church is currently going through a sermon series on prayer. Coincidentally, my daily Readwise review included the following highlight today:

An excerpt on prayer from the book, “Run With the Horses” by Eugene Peterson.

Was sorting through some old papers in a desk drawer and found this. It’s been quite a while (as evidenced by the old branding) since Alaska Airlines set these down on the tray table with the in-flight snacks.

Alaska Airline prayer card - Psalm 9:2

Even though it’s available, I think I’m going to defer updating to iOS 18 until a dot release. Maybe I’ll wait for the update that contains Apple Intelligence. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I’m using my phone to scan the notes and handmade cards I’ve received from my kids over the years. Even though I now have a digital copy of everything, I’m still having a hard time putting the physical copy in the recycling bin. Does anyone else struggle with this? Any encouragement you can offer?

Currently reading: Hidden Potential by Adam Grant 📚 I’m only one chapter in so far but am already struck by the tension that exists between our natural human inclination to seek comfort and the reality that the best way to accelerate growth is to embrace, seek, and amplify discomfort.

When it comes to exercise, I’ve determined there are two types of soreness: the bad sore that actually hurts and limits your ability to function normally, and the good sore that simply serves as a reminder that you’ve exercised. I like the good sore.

This morning, while walking in my neighborhood, I (a pedestrian) narrowly avoided a collision with a food/grocery delivery driver at a busy intersection. Despite having the walk signal and her facing a red light, she rolled into the crosswalk, only stopping when my hands were on the hood of her car. Thankfully, she braked in time to prevent any harm. She was apologetic, but unfortunately, she was also distracted by her phone, engaged in a lively conversation. The dangers of driving while distracted seems to be a growing problem that could soon rival driving while impaired. Perhaps using a hands-free device could have made her more aware of her surroundings. 🤷🏻‍♂️

It’s interesting how the scope expands so easily. Yesterday, I started thinking about getting a bike and budgeting for that and now I am thinking I also need to get a trailer hitch installed on my car to accommodate the new bike rack that I’ll also need to purchase. 💸