Category: Microposts
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🍿 I’ve never been one for horror movies, but I’m feeling the pull to venture into the unknown this month 👻🎃🐈⬛. If anyone has some recommendations on where I should take my first step into the haunted house of horror, I’m open to your suggestions!
Our neighborhood schools have been on high alert and forced to endure indoor recess this week due to sightings of bears and coyotes roaming the neighborhood. They’ve always lived in this area, but recent (and ongoing) construction is forcing them out of their habitat and into the community. ☹️
I have not felt well for weeks. I’ve had a couple weekends stolen from me where all I could do was lay in bed but other than that, it hasn’t been too extreme. But, I just can’t seem to get on top of it and have struggled with a persistent malaise. Hard to focus on anything when you don’t feel well.😩
A friend is having ankle surgery tomorrow, and besides texting, I mailed him a handwritten note. I hope this analog greeting in his mailbox post-surgery lifts his spirits. Does anyone else prefer receiving snail mail over (or, in addition to) digital greetings for things like this?
“For the first time, OpenAI’s public structure and leadership are simply honest reflections of what the company has been—in effect, the will of a single person. ‘Just: Sam.’”
OpenAI Takes Its Mask Off - The Atlantic
I read this Dear James: I Hate My Post-college Life article in The Atlantic today, which ties into a chapter from David Brooks’ The Second Mountain I read last night. Both highlight the challenges young people face—particularly around navigating their newfound “freedom”.